Sunday, January 20, 2013

Things Bitches Say

Bring together a bunch of men in a room, they're liable to do something stupid -- like short the electrical system. Bring together a group of women in a room, they're liable to say something mean. Men are more likely than women to commit physical violence upon each other while women are more likely than men to commit emotional violence upon each other.

Over the years, I've found one thing to be certain aside from death and taxes-- women are probably their own worst enemy, standing in the way of their evolution as a gender. Whereas African Americans had Jim Crow whites standing in the way of their freedom, women have themselves to blame more times not not.

I've heard a litany of complaints from women ashamedly admitting that they hate working for women. In fact, one of my best bosses (a woman) once advised me to take on more male clients. One of my worst bosses -- a total girly sorority girl -- followed her.

I'm amazed by how many women have showered me with passive-aggressive remarks over of my banging Buddha belly and purple complexion. You'd think they'd have better things to do than hate on a confectionary runway model. It's enough to make a grown peep cry.

I once had a very delusional former hedge fund wench on my tail because she thought I and (all women on earth, I later realized) wanted "her" man. Needless to say, she was the grown-up version of the mean girls many of us encountered in high school -- brilliant, platinum blonde and absolutely out of her mind. Listen up , men. The surest way to scare off most sane women (non-masochistic ones)? Get a crazy mean girl girlfriend, just saying.

But, seriously, most of the free world has had to deal with bitchy comments from alpha mean girls (of both genders) at one point or another. That is why I started this blog. To expose the bitchest things said but to also come up with witty but not mean comebacks (everyone hates hypocrites) to use when the opportunity arrises. So, fire away with the bitchiest comments you've ever received.

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